Got questions? We have answers.


What is the difference between a college and a university?

The term college refers to an educational establishment which grants bachelor degrees in science, liberal arts, both, or in one specific study area. On the other hand, a university encompasses undergraduate studies, graduate and professional schools. A university is composed of different colleges.

How do you apply for local scholarships?

You need to prepare all important documents such as your academic performance report and your parents' financial statements. Before you fill out any form, carefully read the eligibility terms for each scholarship and choose only the ones suited for you.

How do colleges evaluate my application?

Most colleges use a holistic review process. This means they consider your test scores, GPA, grade trend, strength of schedule, extracurricular participation, essays, letters of recommendation, etc. Applicants are considered as whole individuals. The admissions team tries to determine which students will succeed on their campus and make significant contributions. They try to build a diverse class with varying abilities and interests.

What Are Your Academic Strengths?

How to prepare: Make sure you know your academic strengths. You should be able to explain how you recognized your strengths, how you're currently using them, and how you plan to use them in the future.

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