

Library Profile Link
Library Rules

1. All the students and staff of the College are members of the College Library.
2. The Library is kept open from 8.30 a.m. to 5.40 p.m. with 'no break' on all days except Sundays and Government Holidays.
3. Library Cards are issued to all students on admitted in the College.
4. All UG and PG students are provided with TWO library cards for borrowing books.
5. Only one book can be borrowed against each card.
6. The staff members have to borrow the books personally from the library and information centre and not through the students.
7. Library cards are NOT transferable.
8. BAR-CODED identity Card will be provided to all the members. The members should bring the identity Card and scan the same in the Scanner kept at the reception. Scanning the bar-coded identity card is must to enter into the library.
9. Books can be borrowed only when the bar-coded identity card and the library card are produced together.
10. Students are allowed to keep books for two weeks from the date of issue.
11. Borrowed books should be returned to the Library on or before the due date specified on the due date slip. However, renewal can be done to the same person if the book is not required by other students.
12. A fine of Re. 1/- per day shall be levied on the borrowers who failed to return the book on the due date.
13. Students are expected to use the books with care. If a book is lost / damaged, borrower should replace the book or pay penalty FIVE to TEN times the cost of the book.
14. Tearing off the pages or marking on the pages in the borrowed books will attract the condition cited in serial number 13 above.
15. Borrowers are instructed to satisfy themselves with the condition of books at the issue counter itself. Damage found at the time of issue shall be reported to the Librarian immediately.
16. Students shall leave the books referred by them on the table itself.
17. Students are not allowed to bring any printed matter, note books or files inside the Library.
18. ABSOLUTE SILENCE must be maintained inside the Library.

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